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Live Your Best Life - Then Celebrate It!

As Jeff & I were driving home the other night, we passed this farm field. Within this field was a young deer that was frolicking around the field. By frolicking, I mean that she was jumping and turning in circles and racing from one side of the field to the other. She looked so full of happiness and joy. The kind of joy that bubbles up from deep down and shares with the world what life is truly about. You could tell that she was living her best life.

From my perspective, living your best life, should be your life goal. Celebrating your achievements is what breaks up the monotony and brings us all joy. Cherishing those moments are truly what gets you through the challenging times. I love the fact that Jeff is a photographer, and we get invited in to celebrate people living their best lives! At the end of the experience, we get to provide them with a tangible product that they can use to recall those joyous moments of celebration that they will cherish.

I am ALL for living experience to experience and celebrating all of the joys of those experiences. We get a unique perspective, when we get to capture that experience in print for you.

We have photographed the joy of two people that have fallen in love - committing themselves to each other. We have returned and celebrated their newborn and then come back and celebrated baby's first year, thereafter family portraits. Our passion in photography is all about the gift of remembering the important moments in your life.

The joy that we get from celebrating with a high school senior that is on the cusp of graduating is pretty fantastic and an accomplishment that really needs to be celebrated!

And our newly found joy in celebrating with the women of our 40 Over 40 campaign and highlighting the benefits of life experiences and how they are beautiful, and how precious their life journey is, because they have been defined by what they have learned along the way.

Yep, life is pretty awesome from behind the camera and has added to our most precious life relationships and experiences. I just want to remind you that the goal in this life is to LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE! I believe that a big part of living your best life, is to celebrate all of the milestones along the way - and then remembering and sharing those precious memories with your loved ones. If we can help you do that, then we would be honored.

Got a minute? Come take a stroll through our on-line gallery and visit our website at We'd also appreciate a little love by having you like and follow us on Facebook. Thank you, in advance, for considering us for all of your milestone moments.

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